One of these days, talking with a friend, he told me: show the why of your know-how, the why when creating concepts and collections…people want to know the why, what you do, they get to know easily…
Later, another friend made me discover one video: Simon Sinek.
So, it’s true... but…how do you put in words a brainstorming of ideas and associations, of little facts of everyday turned into creation?
I’ve been thinking about this for weeks… but nothing comes up! Today, something had to happen. Read these two stories and then tell me if I was able to explain the WHY.
I. Su’s ring
Since I’ve moved to Coimbra, my cousin Susana has been my «light».She calls me every day just to check if I’m ok, if I want to go out, have lunch. How could I pay her back for all her care? With tenderness, with a gift… a ring!
It must be a special ring. It must convey beauty, intelligence, sweetness and a sense of humour which I adore. That’s it. Four chakras. Discreet. To use daily. From our numerous cousin talking while walking home for lunch at Ma’s…Coming back and coffee at Almedina. More talking. Fears and women’s doubts. Let’s go work! See you later…
That afternoon, I turned, I thought, I searched. At the end of the day, I summed up my work with this sentence and this film that give me the inspiration I need- because of Babette’s beauty and determination…
Working on the Why, I went out to buy me some dinner and I remembered that delicious film (story) from Karen Blixen: «un artist is never broke ».. All of this because of those famous «cailles en sarcophage» and Su’s ring. But how can I explain all that in a text??
More, how important is a SMS in this torrential creation?
Cinema at night, Sex and the City .When I got out, walking home, high heels, eyes on the floor, ears on the moon… carefully choosing the rocks where to set my feet on, and the ring… of course. Parallelepipeds. Four faces. The ring, you can see it on Su’s hand…
Last night, I received two canvas, already begun, but still unfinished. These will be an inheritance for my two loved sons. Whether I will finish them or not, I cannot say. It is not my purpose today.
The previous night, Né has invited me for dinner at her place. With Bock as well .Fondue which I didn’t even appreciated because my mind was elsewhere… the jewels…

Yesterday, we were supposed to go dinner out, but it rained a lot in Coimbra and I stayed home. And from nothing, from the wax and from my hands rings came out…rings, rings, and even more rings… the music, keith Jarret-The Koln Concert- whenever I need him he’s always there for me…
Jewels’ collection for exhibition.
Micha, a close friend, is a psychologist. Each time we meet, she insists: Paula, the jewels!
Right now it is raining heavily. It looks like winter, but it’s not cold. I have my window open. I like the sound of the rain, falling down, the music playing …. U2- With or without you….
In life there’s always something missing when creating, and this lack is energy from the atom, the famous butterfly effect of Quantic physics.
A lit candle to soften the wax, a glass of red wine, and some cigarettes more. I fell asleep…far away…in the desert? No. In life’s immensity.
For those who know me, it is easier. For those who don’t know me so well, I ask them: was I able to explain the WHY ?
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